Our Pen pal Program
What about starting the connection in class?
Dive with your students into new cultures and language by rediscovering meaningful conversations and exchanges.
We believe that pen pals is a great way to start educational connections between the Caribbean and the United States, and learn from each other. It gives students the opportunity to talk to someone they would otherwise not meet in real life. And this without the need of traveling immediatly to a foreign country.
Then this connection will naturally turn into willingness of an immersion in each others environment and can be concretized via school trips.
By participating in our pen pal program, schools can receive up to 25% discount on our trips!​
Improve your students skills
Your students can learn and practice a foreign language with a native speaker, practice their writing skills and vocal expression and improve communication and social skills with the collaboration.
It's also an opportunity to build bridges and create links between
disciplines like geography, history, sociology.
Provide a different perspective
Foster cultural exchange and open up your students worldview to new perspectives.
​Pen-pal exchange offers the opportunity for your students to learn about different cultures as they can share information about their customs, traditions and daily lives with their pen-pal, to broaden their horizons and to learn about a different country.
It develops curiosity, compassion, understanding of other cultures and enables your students to grow to be more open-minded individuals.
Get creative
Explore new ways to design your lessons in a fun, creative, and educational way .
It's an opportunity to think outside the box and an unique way to enhance the learning and while making the program stand out as a special activity.
This practice offers a holistic learning experience that transcends traditional boundaries.
Last but not least, Pen pal relationships can evolve to lifelong friendships and offers unique networking opportunities. These connections might prove valuable in the future, whether for educational pursuits, even career advancements, or collaborations on projects spanning continents. The friendships forged through pen pal exchanges can lead to unforeseen opportunities and collaborations that enrich both personal and educational lives.
Like what you read? Join our free Pen pal program and wonderful Pen friends community !